Monday, 26 December 2016

Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Period Cramps

Most women dread those difficult days of the month. Ultimately, it is only a very positive thing as it shows that we are perfectly normal. In case of any irregularities during the menstrual cycle, it can create havoc in your body and make you feel so uncomfortable. This is termed as menstrual disorder. Menstrual Disorder varies from one woman to the other. If there is some inconvenience caused during your regular menstrual cycle, it is very important that you sort it out in order to avoid health issues.

Types of Menstrual Disorders

A menstrual disorder is when a woman's regular menstrual cycle gets disrupted. There are many types of menstrual disorders like:

Abnormal Utrine Bleeding (AUB): When you have lack of menstrual bleeding, heavy menstrual bleeding, and bleeding in between two menstrual cycles.

Dysmenorrhea: When you have severe and painful menstrual cycles every month.

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS): When you have mood swings and even physical changes, prior to the menstrual cycle.

Premenstrual Dysphonic Disorder (PMDD): When you have severe symptoms of irritation, stress or depression.
Causes of Menstrual Disorders

The most common cause of menstrual disorders is dietary habits. A poor diet could lead to excessive weight loss or gain which further leads to zero or irregular periods. Eating extra spicy, sour, hot, salty, heavy, fermented, and fatty foods and at the wrong times, can lead to menstrual disorders.

The quality of your lifestyle also determines whether or not you will have menstrual disorders. Lifestyle choices which affect the menstrual cycle are smoking, alcohol consumption, increased sex, erratic sleeping and eating patterns, and excessive or zero physical activities.

Psychological conditions like depression, temper, lust, anxiety, trauma, etc can also lead to menstrual disorders. Physical health conditions like indigestion, emaciation, frequent miscarriages or abortions, polycystic ovarian disease, use of intrauterine contraceptive devices, etc can lead to menstrual disorders.
  • Severe and frequent mood swings
  • Irregular menstrual bleeding at erratic intervals
  • Urinating frequently
  • Psychological and physical changes like heavy sweating, bloating, memory loss, hot flashes, and irritation
  • Excessive bleeding
  • Feeling weak and exhausted
  • Changes in breast size
  • Sudden Weight gain or loss
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Bacterial discharge from the breasts
  • Excessive and irregular hair growth

Ayurveda firmly believes that incorporating right changes in a person's daily lifestyle choices can effect total body functions. According to Ayurveda, most of the menstrual disorders are a result of a wrong diet which creates digestion problems. This disturbs the natural balance of your body and the flow of hormones. A woman expels a lot of waste and toxins during her menstrual cycle. This flow, if blocked due to indigestion, can lead to blockage and stagnation further leading to menstrual disorders.
Ayurveda provides several options for treating menstrual disorders with the help of natural herbs, therapies, and yoga. Treatment for menstrual disorders include herbal concoctions that nourish and tone the reproductive system. These are to be consumed orally. Rejuvenating massages with medicated oils using professional Ayurvedic techniques and relaxation of mind, body, and soul through proper meditation and yoga are also done.

THL Ayurvedic Hospital in Kerala offers the Best Solution to All Your Menstrual Disorder Problems. It is a perfect amalgamation of ancient Ayurvedic science with modern amenities.

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