Monday, 26 December 2016

Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Period Cramps

Most women dread those difficult days of the month. Ultimately, it is only a very positive thing as it shows that we are perfectly normal. In case of any irregularities during the menstrual cycle, it can create havoc in your body and make you feel so uncomfortable. This is termed as menstrual disorder. Menstrual Disorder varies from one woman to the other. If there is some inconvenience caused during your regular menstrual cycle, it is very important that you sort it out in order to avoid health issues.

Types of Menstrual Disorders

A menstrual disorder is when a woman's regular menstrual cycle gets disrupted. There are many types of menstrual disorders like:

Abnormal Utrine Bleeding (AUB): When you have lack of menstrual bleeding, heavy menstrual bleeding, and bleeding in between two menstrual cycles.

Dysmenorrhea: When you have severe and painful menstrual cycles every month.

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS): When you have mood swings and even physical changes, prior to the menstrual cycle.

Premenstrual Dysphonic Disorder (PMDD): When you have severe symptoms of irritation, stress or depression.
Causes of Menstrual Disorders

The most common cause of menstrual disorders is dietary habits. A poor diet could lead to excessive weight loss or gain which further leads to zero or irregular periods. Eating extra spicy, sour, hot, salty, heavy, fermented, and fatty foods and at the wrong times, can lead to menstrual disorders.

The quality of your lifestyle also determines whether or not you will have menstrual disorders. Lifestyle choices which affect the menstrual cycle are smoking, alcohol consumption, increased sex, erratic sleeping and eating patterns, and excessive or zero physical activities.

Psychological conditions like depression, temper, lust, anxiety, trauma, etc can also lead to menstrual disorders. Physical health conditions like indigestion, emaciation, frequent miscarriages or abortions, polycystic ovarian disease, use of intrauterine contraceptive devices, etc can lead to menstrual disorders.
  • Severe and frequent mood swings
  • Irregular menstrual bleeding at erratic intervals
  • Urinating frequently
  • Psychological and physical changes like heavy sweating, bloating, memory loss, hot flashes, and irritation
  • Excessive bleeding
  • Feeling weak and exhausted
  • Changes in breast size
  • Sudden Weight gain or loss
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Bacterial discharge from the breasts
  • Excessive and irregular hair growth

Ayurveda firmly believes that incorporating right changes in a person's daily lifestyle choices can effect total body functions. According to Ayurveda, most of the menstrual disorders are a result of a wrong diet which creates digestion problems. This disturbs the natural balance of your body and the flow of hormones. A woman expels a lot of waste and toxins during her menstrual cycle. This flow, if blocked due to indigestion, can lead to blockage and stagnation further leading to menstrual disorders.
Ayurveda provides several options for treating menstrual disorders with the help of natural herbs, therapies, and yoga. Treatment for menstrual disorders include herbal concoctions that nourish and tone the reproductive system. These are to be consumed orally. Rejuvenating massages with medicated oils using professional Ayurvedic techniques and relaxation of mind, body, and soul through proper meditation and yoga are also done.

THL Ayurvedic Hospital in Kerala offers the Best Solution to All Your Menstrual Disorder Problems. It is a perfect amalgamation of ancient Ayurvedic science with modern amenities.

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Monday, 14 November 2016

Ayurvedic Treatment for Sports Injuries in Kerala

Sports Injuries are caused by doing vigorous exercises, heavy playing and massive body movements. The common sports injuries are ligament, bone, nerve and tendon injuries. The injuries are classified into acute and chronic. When the injury happens suddenly, then it is called acute. If the injury occur with prolonged wear and tear, then it is a chronic injury. Care should be taken in the starting stage itself with proper medication. If it is left without care, some injuries might lead to surgeries which may restrict the sports persons’ activity.
The holistic and ancient Ayurveda treatment offers treatments to sports injury which benefits the person long term. Ayurvedic treatments cure many orthopedic problems which are encountered by sports persons.

Ayurvedic Sports Injury Treatment:  

Marma chikitsa: Raising pressure on Marmas or Vital points in the body is an effective treatment part in Ayurveda.
Internal Medicines: Herbal medicines work effectively in alleviating inflammation, pain, and heal soft tissue injuries.
External Therapies: The externally provided therapy strengthens the joint and improves the mobility. The therapies are offered based on the patient’s injury.
  • Raktamokshana – It is otherwise called leech therapy for chronic inflammation, swelling.
  • Lepana/ Aalepa/ Upanaha treatments help in reducing pain, swelling and promote tissue healing.
  • Bandhana is bandaging with or without oil massage. There are 15 types of Vrana Bandhana in Ayurveda. This treatment stabilized fracture or dislocation and calms the injured site to prevent further injury.
  • Kati vasti is effective for back or neck pain, muscular pains, and fatigue syndrome.
  • Physiotherapy along with ayurvedic treatments increases the success rate of sports injury especially musculoskeletal joints

Shoulder, Neck, Elbow, Arm, Back, Knee, Hip, Thigh, foot and ankle injuries are treated with such a holistic treatment with no side effects.
Advantages of Ayurvedic therapy for Sports Injury:
The treatments strengthen muscles, bones, joints, nerves and tissues. It relieves pain and swelling and reduces the stiffness in joints. It decreases the disability and improves the patients to faster recovery.
THL (Thaqdess Hospitals Ltd) offers Best Ayurvedic Sports Injury Treatment in Kerala in a serene ambiance with the help of dedicated team of doctors and other staff.

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Thursday, 27 October 2016

Best Panchakarma Therapy in Kerala

The Ayurvedic treatment is an alternative therapy that provides a cure for all most all kinds of ailments with nil side effects. The illness diagnoses are done in eight ways called Jihva, Sparsha, Aakruti, Nadi, Moola, Mala Shabda and Mutra. The specific importance of ayurvedic treatment is the study of lethal points otherwise called Marman Marma.

Panchakarma Treatment is one of the main treatments under Ayurveda. The procedure involves the elimination of toxins from the body. Panchakarma treatment includes,
Vamanam: It is a vomiting therapy and induces the patient to vomit, so that the accumulated mucus (dosha) will come out from the body. Excessive mucus accumulation leads to respiratory diseases like asthma, chronic cold, and cough. It is the first therapy prescribed to the patient. Benefits of Vamanam therapy are immense. It cleanses the organs so that the body and brain becomes active. Metabolic and digestion are enhanced. Improve sexual activity and fertility.
Virechanam: This purgative therapy cleanses the gastrointestinal tract, gall bladder and liver of toxins. Excess accumulation of pitta dosha paves way for many ailments such as jaundice, arthritis, diabetes, vitiligo, liver problem, enlargement of the spleen. Virechanam treats various problems which will never relapse, it does blood purification, eliminates toxins from lung, sweat glands and kidneys.
Sneha Vasti: Medicated enema therapy is given under the guidance of a proper ayurvedic physician. Sneha or kashaya vasti depends on the type of medication. It loosens the stools and flushes out. Sneha vasti is given with medicated oil for lubricating the body. It treats all types of vata disorders such as sciatica, gout, rheumatism, urinary and bowel incontinence. Sneha vasti rejuvenates the body tissues (dhatus), improves immunity.
Kashayavasti: Like sneha vasti, it also treats vata disorders. Using herbal potion cleansing the entire body is called kashayavasti. This medicine is administered directly into the colon through rectum. The patient will defecate toxins within 15 minutes. It is very effective while combining with Sneha vasti to treat neurological disorders, paralysis, and rheumatism.
Nasya: This procedure involves administering medicated or herbal oil through the nose to remove excessive mucus accumulated in the head, sinus cavities, and throat. Nasya has various types. Depends on the ailing condition the therapy is administered. This treatment keeps the open cavities free, avoids nose dryness, increase mind clarity, improves brain activity, and lightens the body.
THL Ayurveda (Thaqdess Hospitals Ltd) provides best Panchkarma Treatment in Kerala. They offers high-quality health care with 150 beds for inpatients.
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Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Ayurveda Provide Permanent Relief From Prolonged Back Pain

Does continuous back pain disturbs your daily life  and deprive you of your sleep ? THL Ayurveda offers Best Ayurvedic Treatment For Back Pain in Kerala.

Pain is the sensation happens in the body when any damage occur. Nociception is the message goes to the brain and what felt is called pain. In Ayurveda back pain is known as Kateegraham or "Prishtasoola" . It is due to any of the dosha’s vata,pitta or kapha that back pain occurs. It is mostly witnessed in lower back, which get affected with activities like standing , bending, extending or rotating. Patients will feel pain, stiffness, numbness in legs and lower parts of the body.


The  major causes of back pain are  wrong postures, severe stress, infection in spinal cord, spinal carcinoma, reduced physical activities, obesity, Sciatica, osteoporosis and scoliosis, Fibromyalgia, shock to back, continuous lifting of excess weight .

Commonly seen symptoms of back pain are:
  • Tingling or burning sensation
  • Limited mobility
  • Persistent pain over the lower back
  • Rigidity
  • Pain in bttocks and legs
Ayurvedic Back Pain Treatment  
Ayurveda provide both internal and external therapy to relieve back pain. This will remove  dosha and mitigate pain slowly. Doctor consider the body type ( prakriti) and stage of the disease ( vikriti) to determine the treatment. To ease the pain herbal concoctions are given internally. Panchakarma treatments like Abhyangam, Kati Vasthi, Sneha dhara, Dhanyamla dhara, Swedanam, Patra potala swedanam, Vasti and yoga asanas are given externally.
The dedicated doctors and other staff of THL Ayurveda Hospital ensure best treatment to patients. 

Monday, 25 July 2016

Stroke Rehabilitation Center Kerala

Stroke is a condition in which, the supply of blood to brain gets interrupted leading to block or rupture of blood vessels. As a result of this the brain cells die due to the lack oxygen and glucose.

Types of stroke
  • Ischemic strokes: Stroke caused by blood clot
  • Hemorrhagic strokes: Breakage of blood vessels or rupturing of blood vessels lead to hemorrhagic stroke .
Effects of stroke
The effects of stroke varies from person to person. It includes physical and emotional effects like: Weakness, anxiety, mood swings, numbness, depression, stiffness of limbs, decreased ability to think etc.

Ayurvedic Stroke Rehabilitation

Symptoms of Stroke
  • Trouble in speaking and understanding
  • Paralysis or numbness of various body parts
  • Vision loss or blurred vision
  • Headache
  • Trouble in walking and loss of body balance
Early detection of stroke can reduce the complexity of the disease.

Ayurvedic Rehabilitation for Stroke

Pakshagata is the ayurvedic term of stroke. Rehabilitation for pakshagata involves the following treatment procedures.
  • Snehana: Here medicated oil is applied on the affected area.
  • Pindaswedana: Here the affected body parts are fomented
  • Kayaseka: It is an oil therapy, where body is massaged in a specific manner
  • Vasti: It is a process of eliminating toxins from body
  • Virechana: Here pitta dosha is removed by cleansing the bowels.
In addition to this physiotherapy and various other exercises are also included in the treatment.

Advantages of Stroke rehabilitation in Kerala:
As kerala being the home of ayurveda, it is sound in ayurvedic resources. Thus it offer ayurvedic treatments at an affordable cost. Ayurvedic Stroke Treatment has benefits like: Improving the quality of life of patient, help to strengthen muscle tissues, bring back the lost functions of body and help patient to lead a normal life.

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Monday, 1 February 2016

Get Relief From Chronic Pains With Kashaya Vasti

Vasti is medicated enema.Kashaya vasti is one among the different types of vasti. It is the procedure of applying heat to a specific part of human body using warm medicated oils.It helps to relieve the pain,swellings,tensions .It results in rejuvenating the body.
This medicated procedure helps to cure chronic back pain. It is also effective for lumbar spondylitis, sciatica, osteoporosis.

Kashaya Vasti Therapy

A special device called Vasthi yanthram pushes a combination of  medicated oils, pastes , honey, decoction into the body . This procedure should be  done in the morning between  10am and 12 noon. After some time the person will get an urge to evacuate.After complete evacuation , special diet and hot water bath will be provided for the patient. Depending upon the condition , a combination of three kashaya vasti and five sneha vasti or six kashaya vasti and nine sneha vasti or twelve kashaya vasti and eighteen  sneha vasti is advocated.

 Benefits Of Kashaya Vasti

  • It helps to cure chronic pains such as sciatica pain.
  • It helps to reduce pain in Inter-Vertebral Disc Prolapse.
  • It helps to stimulate the nerves.
  • It is effective for the treatment of disc bulge, rheumatoid arthritis and lumbosacral strain.
  • It is an effective treatment for different types of vata and abdominal disorders.
  • This treatment is beneficial for sciatica, rheumatoid arthritis, low back ache, spinal complaints.

Thl Ayurveda provides quality clinical setting for patients.
Thl Ayurveda is the best Ayurvedic Hospital in Kerala which offers best treatments like kashaya vasti-Thlayurveda which  can provide  quick relief for patients suffering from chronic pains and diseases.
For more details visit us on : www.thlayurveda

Friday, 22 January 2016

Ayurvedic Treatments in Kochi

THL-Ayurveda offers best Ayurvedic Treatments in Kochi which includes the following:
  • Rehabilitation & Physiotherapy through Ayurveda -
            - Rehabilitation means fast return to original state.

         - Physiotherapy means the treatment of infection, harm, or deformation by   physical techniques, for example, massage, heat treatment, and practice instead of by medications or surgery.
  • Panchakarma-Panchakarma implies five medicines to expel poisons from the body and to bolster the normal rhythms of the body. It is at least 14 days preventive and/or healing treatment to detoxify and rinse the body and mind. It strengthens the insusceptible framework and leaves the body more advantageous, more grounded and free from endless diseases. The Panchakarma Detoxification Program is a special chance to purify and restore physically and rationally in an pure, spiritual yogic environment.
  • Purva Karmas - Purva-karma is a therapeutic term utilized as a part of Ayurveda signifying "preparatory measures": A few powers hold that demonstrations, for example, fasting, organization of laxatives, and so on ought to be incorporated inside of the preparatory measures (Purva-karma).
  • Yoga therapy- Yoga treatment might be characterized as the use of Yogic standards to a specific individual with the target of accomplishing a specific otherworldly, mental, or physiological objective.
  • Karkidaka chikitsa- Karkidaka chikitsa is a custom that has been by and by since a few centuries, in kerala. It's a spectacular healing technique to abusing times of physical, mental and profound test, to accomplish mending and delayed wellbeing.
  • Prasava Raksha-Pre and Post Natal Care
THL-Ayurveda provides high quality health care services for the following:

  • Paralysis
  • Rheumatism
  • Arthritis
  • Spondylosis
  • Other psychosomatic diseases.

It uses natural remedies for healing.For more details visit us on :